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Mega Evolutions! Pokemon
Noobhut score: 10!

Introducing MEGA EVOLUTIONS! Offical release of a "4th" Evolution only usable in battle, so far there are only 7 mega evolutions but as time goes on we are sure to get news on many more! 

Some more detail into the matter, mega evolution can only be done on ( as of right now ) 7 pokemon with the use of a mega stone. When the pokemon goes into battle while holding onto a megastone it will MEGA EVOLVE intro a stronger forum! As well 2 of the new pokemon will be getting a new type! Ampharos will become MEGA AMPHAROS and a electric Dragon type! And Mawile will become MEGA MAWILE a well as a Steel fairy type!

Noobhut  score: 8.5

Call of Duty Ghost!

The next age of Call of Duty is on its way with the new game CALL OF DUTY: GHOST soon to be released on the new consols and pc 11.5.13!

Man was the Multiplayer reveal something, Infinity ward really out did them selfs this time by creating what might end up being "The Best Call Of Duty" game ever. I am going to go through every last bit of important information about this game and give my over all thoughts. I will be picking this game up for the X box 360 and soon to be play station 4, I will make sure to do an over all impresion video then.

Starting right away with the intro, Infinity ward clearly understands who plays their game. Followed my clips of gameplay came scenes of rage fun and exitment, all of witch you experience though playing cod. "BULLSHIT" was shown many times through out the intro for it is a typical thing a cod player will say, very well done and it grabbed my attention right away!

100 million people have played call of duty, 10 million this month and 1 million today, and it is indeed "Call of Duty time" Lets get into this review now shal we?

What makes Cod a game? The graphics? the gameplay? the thrill of being a soldier? Well Infinity ward described call of duty as all 3, mainly the said what makes call of duty is.. ITS FUN! And thats true, call of duty is a very fun, very painful game that you can't seem to put down. You may scream at it, get angry, through or break something, but in the end you still pick up that controler and try to pwn more noobs, am I right? aha, anyway call of duty is changing the community and I feel its changing it for the better, its adapting to more realistic standers and is trying to get ride of the kids and bring back the mature players, and i feel ghost will do just that!

We were able to get a few multiplayer looks of the game and "hollyshit" was my reaction! The game looked amazing! The graphics far exeeded any game of today and you were questioning weither it was a game, or a movie. They went all out including the sound. With their new engin you will get goosbumps from how realistic the sound is, no longer will a gernade from 30 feet away sound like it blew up 5 feet away, if you shoot inside a metal box it will eco like it would in real life and sound different compared to shooting it normally outside. The ai that does the call outs is louder and more percis "Enemy at the gas station" is an exemple.

Call of Duty does have something I both like and dislike, and thats how it included BattleFeild Machanics. What I mean is there are certain obsticals,buildings places that get effected during the game to help you or to fuck you. For exemple they released multiple clips of a new map called Octane, witch was the map with a gas station in it You can actually destroy that station and make it fall, forcing your enemy to find a new way to you oor a new place to snipe you.

3 new features in the game as well, Diagonal aiming for one, now when you get to a leg you will automaticly aim around the corner to be able to pick off your enemy quickly. While running you can preform a kneeslide to dodge bullets, get under obsticls, pick off enemys and continue mommentum instead of drop shotting so you can easly kill and run! Mantling has been upgraded, now while your running you will automaticly jump over an obsticle with out losing speed! these give a much smoother feel to the game and really allows you to out play your enemy easier!

Some of you might be like me, sometimes we just want to kill bots, but they can be to easy because we all know black ops 1 and 2 bots, those things are about as stupid as you can get. Well guess what? These Ai's are now able to do shit most mlg players can do, drop shot, camp, jump shot, you name it they can do it. and it will really make the game harder in its new gamemode Squad! Think of Squad as combat training, You and your friends can face against AI or other players, or if you are like me you can go solo with your squad ( we will get into this in a minute ) and face either offline players ( you heared me right ) and their prebuilt pre programed squad  or an advanced ai that will make you its bitch!

Now thats not all they put in, a tottal of 7 new gametypes over 30 new weapons over 20 new killstreaks and an all new weapon class called marksman! This is a combination between sniper and assult rifle and honestly I CANT WAIT TO USE IT! I love sniping but sometimes I want to rish in and go "MOVE BITCH GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Well with marksman you can do that! Some changes with killstreaks is the killed a lot of the air based killstreaks and made them ground based, for eg the UAV is no longer a air drone but an actual device you must place down in a clever spot where the enemy wont see it. And don't worry NO DEATHSTREAKS!

Perks got a huge change too, in black ops 2 you could remove things like your equipment and secondary to allow you more then 1 or the 3 perks, well with out doing that you can have a tottal of 8 perks! you heard that right 8! But here is the catch, the perks have a value 1-5, so the slight of hand 3 will be faster then slight of hand 1, but slight of hand 3 takes up 3 of your 8 spendable points. How ever you can remove equipment and secondary to get up to 11 points to spend on perks! the loadouts you can do are out of this world!

The strike packages of MW3 are coming back better then ever, and oh did i mention duel render scope? WTF IS THAT? Well lets say you see 2 enemys, it will auto aim to the closes and then help you to the next, its a more percis aiming system. All the attachments and killstreaks are "free" and best part is there is no prebuilt unlock. Lets say i hit level 7 and i can unlock the next gun, what if the next gun was a fucking shit ass fal? no one wants a fal, what if i wanted to ak that was at the end of the list? Well in ghost you can unlock that ak instead of that fal! you choose what you unlock when you go to unlock something, GOOD MOVE INFINITY WARD! also when you prestege you keep everything you had as you go to your next soldier. HOLD UP RELX! WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! Il get to it aha.

You get 10 soldiers to call your own, 10 soldiers you can costomize differently as far as appearence and gameplay, there are over 20 000 costomization combinations and each load out can be so similar or extreamly different, when 1 soldiers presteges the next one you can level, having everything the old soldier had, and you use these 10 soldiers in squad! This is why you got to think how you will play when your offline, you can actually set up your squad to defend certain points and fight a certain way when facing others while your offline and you can get exp while doing it, Everything iv mentioned so far will earn you exp!

And that is about it, other nice features include an advanced kniging animation, you no longer swipe your hand YOU ACTUALLY STAB THE BITCH! some of the other games modes being search and rescue > SAD where you can pick up your teams dog tags to rez em or get enemy dog tags to perma kill them for the round. cranked > TDM every kill you get refreshes a 30 sec timer, every kill makes you faster if you dont kill in 30 secs you go boom lol. As well the co op will also be returning with advanced gameplay like safe quard, they havn't given too much info but its basicly multiplayer with AI. Over all I give CoD Ghost a 8.5 outa 10. They had a lot of good ideas that were needed but it feels as if they riped off alot from battlefeild and other games like it, we will just have to see if my opinion changes when i get hands on!



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